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Marketing Consults: Service


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Katherine Bennett-Greer provides customized business consulting on issues of importance to the business owner. She can shed insight on everything from concepts, strategies, product development, marketing, economic landscapes, business decisions, personnel and partnerships, to day-to-day operations.


She consults with companies of all sizes, from multi-million dollar companies to one-person businesses. She will complete her MBA in April, 2020. This MBA knowledge helps Katherine access and understand intuitively accessed information related to business. Katherine's unique combination of intuitive skills and knowledge combine to create powerful tools.


Consider Katherine's input as just another ingredient in your competitive advantage strategy.



Because, truly informed and inspired business decisions in today's markets mean everything. Let's look at the future.


And, business is People. When you commit to business, you commit to relationships. Do you know who your prospective business partners are under stress or financial pressure? Are they ethical, to the point of keeping agreements that may hurt them when the tide changes? Do they become more rigid or flexible under stress? You need to know.



Let Katherine take a look at others' ethics, their stress points, and the energy of the future to assist you in your next steps.

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