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Life Well Lived

I know it's Valentine's Day, but a blog about enduring love doesn't seem like the best post for today. How about a post about love of Self?

I know, I know. It sound so self-absorbed. So New Age, so..well selfish. Yet, I have watched people dance to the cycles of their lives - adulthood, career, parenthood, menopause, erectile dysfunction, and illness... and I have witnessed folks come up for air and gasp, "Who am I now?" "Who do I want to be?"

Sometimes, Life doesn't give us a chance to ask that question before it takes us to the Great Beyond. A family member's good friend died yesterday. This woman endured skin cancer, breast cancer, and a gastro-intestinal cancer. Beyond everything, her concern was for her child, who she wanted to be a bit older before she passed. I knew that she didn't question for a moment what Life was about for her. She had figured it out. And, so her last months were spent on one focus: preparing her child for her passing, and the life that the child will live after she passes.

The takeaway is that we don't get extra time, a time out, or summer camp to figure out who we are. Life marches on, and sometimes to places that will take us away from Life itself.

So, take a moment and ask yourself if you know who you are and what your life's about, what's important to you. If you immediately know the answers, you are blessed. If you need to figure it out, get at it like your pants are on fire. Because time waits for no one.

Now, go have a great life. Go!

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